Welcome Owen Wilson-Chavez!

Owen Wilson-Chavez is an urban geographer with a strong focus on multi-modal transportation, sustainable urban development, and geospatial analysis. Born and raised in Duncanville, TX, Owen has lived in Denton, TX for eight years – obtaining a B.A. in Geography (2010) and M.S. in Applied Geography (2014) at the University of North Texas. During his time at UNT, he worked as a Research Assistant for the Center for Economic Development and Research and performed research on a wide range of issues related to urban development and transportation in Texas. Owen has also focused his own research on issues surrounding walkability and retail development in North Texas, arguing that common measures of walkability do not serve the most vulnerable users in a community. He believes that a focus on all modes of transportation is an important aspect of developing vibrant, healthy, and safe communities. With these beliefs, Owen has served as the Internal Coordinator and Chair of the non-profit Querencia Community Bike Shop (2012) in Denton and as a member of the UNT Sustainability Council’s Sustainability Committee (2011 – 2012) and of UNT’s Operation and Land-Use Committee (2012).