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[bc] and the Housing Assistance Council (HAC) are collaborating to promote creative placemaking as an important tool in comprehensive community development and build knowledge of the practice within HAC's Rural Partner Network. Over the past year, [bc] has been working to train a core group of HAC regionally-based housing specialists in creative placemaking and share creative placemaking information and best practices across multiple platforms including technical courses, written publications, and regional trainings. [bc] is providing technical assistance to implement creative actions in two rural communities - Thomas, West Virginia and Kinston, North Carolina.

Click here to read the July 2017 issue of HAC's quarterly, award-winning magazine, Rural Voices, which examines creative placemaking as it is practiced in rural communities. Learn more about our other Activating Vacancy work here! 

Rural Placemaking is funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts through an Our Town Knowledge Building grant.